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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Assignment complete

My ICT assignment is finally complete. I completed my main assignment over the last few days. My main assignment is a timeline of the history of the club with music related to the club playing in the background with plenty of pictures throughout the presentation. I intially wanted to make the movie through windows movie maker but found that it would be more practical to create the timeline through microsoft power point instead because I could put all the information that I have gathered onto a powwer point presentation where as I struggled to get all my research into move maker.

I have enjoyed doing my assignment which is strange but this is not like any assignment that I have done before as I chose what I wanted to base my assignment on. I feel that I have learnt a lot of the benefits of using ICT software and the different types of software that is available and how to be able to express myself through the use of ICT.

Saturday 5 May 2012

ICT assignment update


My scrapbook is eventually completed. It has taken me longer than expected to finish the scrapbook but I got there in the end. The main reason it has taken me this long to complete the scrapbook is simple......I did not know when to stop. As I was doing my scrapbook other ideas kept coming to me and I would then add them to the scrapbook as well. I thought I completed my scrapbook a few days ago but then I realised I have not even mentioned who were my favourite players were and why as well as my most memorable games. So I went back to my scrapbook and updated it to include all of the above.

I will now go and complete my final presenattion which is going to be a powerpoint movie of the history of Liverpool FC with music related to the club playing in the background.

I shall keep you updated!!!!

ICT assignment

I have also decided to us to create a mind map about the Heysel stadium disaster for the same reasons as the Hillsborough diasater.

Assignment update


I want to add the Hillsborough stadium disaster to my scrapbook but I wasn't sure how the best way to go about putting it in. I knew that before I even started to add anything Hillsborough related into my scrapbook I had to do a lot of research and fact finding before I start because there is a lot wrong information about Hillsborough out there. I decided the best thing to do was to create a mind map of what I already know about the disaster and work from there.

I have used a mind mapping ICT programme called to help me with my mind map.

Friday 4 May 2012

ICT Project


I thought I completed my scrapbook after adding all my research in and the quotes that I have used. But then I realise that I have not even mentioned two tragic disasters that have happened to the club that has had a major impact not just on Liverpool but all football. I have now added research about each tragic event into my scrapbook and with regards to Hillsborough I've done some research into what has happened since as the fight for justice continues. When this is complete I can then completed my final presentation.

I have also used which is a internet web site where you can create words in graffiti style. Below is one I created of Liverpool.

Thursday 3 May 2012

ICT project update

Just a quick update on how my ICT project on Liverpool fc is coming along. Well since the last time I blogged about the project I've put a lot of time and effort into my research and have now almost completed my scrapbook as well as completing my mission statement. At first I was not sure about where to start about the club and my own feelings towards the club. But once I got started it was difficult to stop. So far I've put in the scrap book my own photos of the memoribilia that I own and some mind mapping that I done and I have drawn out the timeline which I am going to use for my main part. I'm also in the process of adding all of my research that I have used from the club website and some qoutes I have got from the books that I have.Once I've completed this then I will move on to my main part of the project.
I'll keep you updated !!!!!

Guest Lecturer Jane Davidson

We had a guest lecture from Jane Davidson who was formely the national assembly education and life long learning minister from 2000 until 2007. She talked to us about the history of education in the UK as well as her own role when she was in parliment and her own books 'The learning country' and 'The learning country vision into action'.

Prior to the curiculumm brought in, in 1983 children were put into a O level stream at school or a GCE stream and the teacher decided what to teach. The National curiculumm was brought in because Margret Thatcher wanted all children to learn the same subjects and have the same experiences regardless of where they were in the country.

1983- National Cuuriculum introduced in UK by Thatchers goverment. The curriculumm came with new sets of tests the SATS which were to be taken at 3 stages of your life at the age of 7, 11 and 14. This new curriculumm was treated with a lot of anger from teachers because of the lack of freedom for the teacher within the new curriculumm.

1997- Change of goverment to Labour and Tony Blair's "Education, Education, Education" speech. Labour were concerned that the curiculumm was to structured and did not widen pupils learning enough and that some pupils were actually going backwards. So decided that change was needed. Wales had a referendum for the National Assembly and was put into place for 1999.

1999- Welsh Assembly came into place and set up two education committees pre 16 committee and post 16 committee. Each committee had their own education minister. In 2000 Rhodri Morgan became the first minsiter of Wales and Jane came in also in 2000 and began her book 'The learning country' as the current system needed change. The book was a framework for helping learners for the next stage and what to do with their life and aimed to pick up standards in schools. It was a 10 year plan and many of the initiatives are still used today. She also brought class sizes down and introduced free school breakfasts for all.

Jane also gave us some facts and opinions on education in Wales some of these were:
* Devolution has had a massive impact on education in Wales.
* She believes education is the way out of poverty as the more educated a country is the more wealthy they become.
* Weslh Back course was intrdoduced to wider access under her.
* Wales has less people than the rest of the UK with degrees.
* Wales earn less money than the rest of the Uk.
Goverment now introduce new regional pay which could result in teachers in Wales earning up to 10% less than teachers in England.
* Sickness and disability is higher in Wales than anywhere in the UK.

She talked about the foundation phase and the aim of the foundation phase was to create a new curriculum which encouraged children to be more creative.

All in all a very interseting lecture. Thats all for now.

Guest Lecturer Mike Day

We had Mike Day who is a cabinet member for education in Swansea in to give us a lecture on the role of education authorities, policies and politics. Mike gave us a outline of the education policy and described education policies as guidlines for actions to achieve goals and objectives. He went on to say that education policy reflects on political opinions, tradition and values and socio-economic objectives and that each policy is set over a long time scale.

Why is education policy needed?
* To guide operational decisions and actions.
* Teachers in classroom, What to do?
* Guidlines or straight jacket?

Who should develop it?
* Politicians or practitioners?
* Politicians elected to represent the people.
* Politicians hold the purse strings.
* Politicians are not subject experts.
* Practitioners know how it works in practice.
* Practitioners see things from their perspective.
* Practitioners unable to take the wider view.

The answer is that there should be a stakeholder engagement leading to meeting of minds.

Where is it developed?
* UK level.
* Welsh Goverment.
* Local authority.
* School and governing body level.

UK Level
* Compulsory school ages (5-16)
* Teachers pay abd conditions.
* Responsibility of local authorities, parents and schools.

Welsh Goverment
* Welsh medium.
* Foundation phase.
* No SATs.
* No academies and free schools.
* HE tution fees.
* Pupil deprivation grant.

Local Authority
* Organisation and number of schools and places.
* Improving standards.
* Advice and guidance to schools.
* Making arrangements to identify children and young people of compulsory school age.

School Governing body level
* Uniforms.
* Start and finish times.
* Raft of policies on personal and social education, child protection, changing, equal opportunties.
* School improvement plan.

Key princilpes
* Stakeholder engagement continuing openness and partnership working.
* Coherence consistence with wider education stratergies and support.
* Flexibility.
* Cost effectiveness.
* Resourced.

Thats all for now.

Monday 23 April 2012

ICT Project

Hello it's been a while!!!

The last few months I have been really busy with my uni work as I have had a couple of presentations to do as well as other assignments but fear not I'm back.

After much thinking I have finally decided on what to do for my ICT project on 'a sense of place'. It was the title that threw me a bit and it took me a while to really think about what I could do. I thought about doing something on my family or about my local football team but neither of these ideas felt right.

I have now decided on my project it's going to be based upon Liverpool fc. I choose Liverpool Fc because I have supported the club since I was a young boy and many of my family also support them so I guess it was an easy choice in the end. I will look at how I came to supporting the club, research the history of the club and will consider the influence the club has had on me.

Thats all for now.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Guest lecturer Dr Russell Grigg

Dr Russell Grigg from estyn was our next guest lecturer and he came into talk to us about the role estyn plays within education and what estyn actually is.

Estyn inspects the quality and standards in education and training in Wales. They inspect a whole range of schools including nursery, primary, secondary, independent and special schools. They also inspect higher education facilities and adult community learning. They are also in charge of inspecting standards for those who are in work based learning schemes. Etsyn set the standards in teacher education and also over see all teacher training courses.

There are three main purposes to estyn they are: 1) Accountability through reporting on providers.
2) Promote improvement in education, 3) Inform the development of national policy by the Welsh goverment.

He then went on to explain what an estyn inspection was actually like. One of the key factors that is  looked at is the people within these providers and their relationships together and to record how good these relationships are. He then showed us an actual estyn report and said two keywords that are in every report are achievement and attainment.  He said they are two key words used in every report because achievement shows how well the provider is doing and attainment means how they can sustain this achievement longterm.

There are 4 judgements in each report they are:
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Adequate
4. Unsatisfactory

Every provider will strive for excellent overall but the majority of providers in Wales are stuck in the adequate group which is not great and shows that there is room for improvement within education standards within Wales.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Ken Jones guest lecturer 9/1/12

Ken Jones is the dean of humanities of Swansea metroplotian univeristy. He came in do give us a lecture on a brief history of recent education change in Wales. He started of his lecture by asking if anyone knew who the current minister for Wales is? embarrassingly no one knew who it was. Ken told us that his name was Leighton Andrews and he replaced Jane Davidson.He went to talk about that there used to be 8 local authorities but since 1999 there are now 22 local authorities in Wales. He felt that this was far to many local authorities as Wales is not a big nation and we have similar amount of local authorities here as they do in England. Ken Jones felt that this was also a problem with education where pre 1999 you only had 8 education directors (one for each authority), 8 deputies and so on. You now have 22 of each position which he questioned the need for so many and I agree with this. Ken then talked about 2006 PISA (programme for international students assesment) testing which he said some of us would of done when we were in school, I could not remember doing any I could be mistaken mind!! He explained what the pisa testing was and it is basically set by the OECD (Organisation for economic co-operation and development) accross 70 countires it is a standard assesment in reading, maths and science and OECD are then able to compare each country against each other to see which country is doing well and who not so well and can rank them accordinally. Wales did not score very highly in the assesment and their response was to up school effectivenes framework (SEF). the SEF is wales's key policy for education reform and it's main aim is to improve better learning outcomes and wellbeing for all children. The Welsh assembley also created professional learning communities which is designed to enhance pupil learning. It is about teachers learning together observing other teachers at work and talking about methods and ideas together and ways to improve themselves. Despite these changes though in the 2010 PISA scores dropped dramatically Wales were ranked 38th for reading, 40th for maths and 30th for science, below average score on each and was the lowest we have ever been and as a result we haved seen ourselves cast adrift from Engalnd, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

I found what Ken Jones had to say very intersting because I did not believe that Wales would be so far behind in each result because of the amount of money that is put into education standards and after the 2006 results the policies put in place to improve clearly have not worked.

Monday 16 January 2012

Final ICT lesson

In todays ICT  lesson why had a go at designing our own word art. We used a couple of different prgorams the one that I have posted was designed on a web page called which allows you to insert a word an lets you play around with the colouring of the words, the size of the words, the background and shading.

Today was also our last ICT lesson with Mandy. I have enjoyed my ICT lessons with Mandy and felt that I have improved my ICT skills and knowledge by a great deal in a short space of time.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Catch up

As you can see this is my first blog in some time. In this time I have a lot to blog about things such as our 1 week work placement that we went on in december. As well as our last lesson in ICT all will be covered in this blog so stop worrying.

We went out on our first work placement in the first week of December. I went to my local primary school Cwmnedd which is in Glynneath. I spent the majority of the week in the year 5 class and hepled out with their PE lessons, helped with reading and maths. I also helped them make a calender which they would take home. I spent the last couple of days in the foundation phase class where I helped the pupils to draw themselves using microsoft paint for their profiles. I also helped pupils with their reading. There was a lot of technology used in the class technology such as interactive white board, pc's in the classroom. I also went with the year 5 class over to the local training centre and into a computer suite where the pupils had to use the internet to research pictures of christmas for their christmas project, which was to create a christmas themed display. We were also given other tasks that were set by our tutors we had to observe things like the set up of the room, what technology is being used and how to different students deal with the same task. So that was my placement week I really enjoyed the experience and would love to get the opportunity to go back there in the future........... if they'll have me back.

In our last ICT lesson we had to come up with different nativity scenarios Luke and me had to do the nativity story through a sports commentary. At first I struggled as I couldn't remember the exact story which I know is bad. But after Luke told me the whole story I felt ready to give the commenatry a go. We decided to try and add a bit of humour into the commenatry (you'd better ask our other classmates if it worked or not). When we finished we then had to record it and put it onto our class wiki and read it out to the class, it was well recieved whether it was because it was a good commenatry or simply out of pity I'm not totally sure.

Well if you manged to read the whole blog I hope you enjoyed it and I haven't bored you to death!!!