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Tuesday 10 January 2012

Catch up

As you can see this is my first blog in some time. In this time I have a lot to blog about things such as our 1 week work placement that we went on in december. As well as our last lesson in ICT all will be covered in this blog so stop worrying.

We went out on our first work placement in the first week of December. I went to my local primary school Cwmnedd which is in Glynneath. I spent the majority of the week in the year 5 class and hepled out with their PE lessons, helped with reading and maths. I also helped them make a calender which they would take home. I spent the last couple of days in the foundation phase class where I helped the pupils to draw themselves using microsoft paint for their profiles. I also helped pupils with their reading. There was a lot of technology used in the class technology such as interactive white board, pc's in the classroom. I also went with the year 5 class over to the local training centre and into a computer suite where the pupils had to use the internet to research pictures of christmas for their christmas project, which was to create a christmas themed display. We were also given other tasks that were set by our tutors we had to observe things like the set up of the room, what technology is being used and how to different students deal with the same task. So that was my placement week I really enjoyed the experience and would love to get the opportunity to go back there in the future........... if they'll have me back.

In our last ICT lesson we had to come up with different nativity scenarios Luke and me had to do the nativity story through a sports commentary. At first I struggled as I couldn't remember the exact story which I know is bad. But after Luke told me the whole story I felt ready to give the commenatry a go. We decided to try and add a bit of humour into the commenatry (you'd better ask our other classmates if it worked or not). When we finished we then had to record it and put it onto our class wiki and read it out to the class, it was well recieved whether it was because it was a good commenatry or simply out of pity I'm not totally sure.

Well if you manged to read the whole blog I hope you enjoyed it and I haven't bored you to death!!!

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