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Monday 12 May 2014

Podcast finished

The podcast is finally complete!

The pocast has been recorded and is know complete and ready to hand in to Anne. I have enjoyed this porject as it has helped me understand the role an out of classroom setting can enhance learning. I feel that this assignment has helped me prepare for when I eventually become a teacher and how I can use unusual settings to enhace childrens learning and understanding of a topic. What this assignment has also taught me is how one trip can lead to developing your understanding of many different topics.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Podcast interview

We decided to base our podcast on an interview style. Luke and myself decided to do it this way as we both have gathered a lot of research on St Fagans and felt that an interview format is the best way to showcase the research.

We decided to split the podcast into four areas these are: St Fagans; Foundation Phase; science at St Fagans and St Fagans and the National Curriculum. We decided to spit the interview into different areas because we felt it would be easier for the listener to understand what we were talking about and for them to understand how St Fagans or any outdoor environment can have a major impact on a child's development.

I was responsible for gathering research on St Fagans and and the science that I witnessed there and how that can implemented into enhancing children's learning. I decided that I would start out by discussing what stood out the most from my visit there. From this I considered how this environment helps in a child's development by looking at the current framework for the Foundation Phase and to examine how the science I witnessed at St Fagans could be implemented in the current curriculum in the Foundation Phase and it's seven areas of learning. I was surprised by the amount of work that could be done by just using one outdoor setting and I was surprised by just how many of the seven areas of learning I could cover from just one trip. It was also easy to see how the trip could also be used to relate to the Curriculum Cymreig.

The podcast has really helped me realize just how important outdoor environments can help develop a scientific idea and how this can be done with a cross curriculum approach.

Podcast update!

The podcast is almost done. We just have to record it now off our script tomorrow before we hand it in tomorrow so it's going to be a busy day!

From all the ideas that we had about what scientific idea to use to base our podcast on after much discussion between Luke and myself we decided that we had more information on Habitats and Adaptivity and more specifically how an outdoor environment can be used to support learning of Habitats and Adaptivity in the Foundation Phase. Since I last posted we have both been extremely busy researching our ideas and how to structure the podcast. The hard-work seems to be done however as after we decided on a script and gathered our research we completed the script for the podcast and all that's left to do now is record it tomorrow.

I shall post again with the details of the podcast.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Science podcast mindmap

This is some of the ideas I have thought of for our project on St Fagan's. From just one trip there's a lot of options for us to choose from we just have to narrow our ideas down now.

Science podcast

As part of our model studies in scientific and creative learning we went on three trips throughout the year to the National Botanical Gardens, the National Museum of Wales and St Fagan’s. For our final assignment we were then asked to produce a podcast on how an out of classroom environment can develop an innovative scientific idea. For the assignment we are allowed groups of no more than two, Luke was my partner for this assignment.

After visiting all three places we both felt that St Fagan's provided us the most opportunity to explore an innovative scientific idea in an outdoor environment. We both felt that St Fagan's offered us many options when deciding on a topic to base our assignment around.

I'll keep you updated on our progress over the coming days.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Assignment complete

My ICT assignment is finally complete. I completed my main assignment over the last few days. My main assignment is a timeline of the history of the club with music related to the club playing in the background with plenty of pictures throughout the presentation. I intially wanted to make the movie through windows movie maker but found that it would be more practical to create the timeline through microsoft power point instead because I could put all the information that I have gathered onto a powwer point presentation where as I struggled to get all my research into move maker.

I have enjoyed doing my assignment which is strange but this is not like any assignment that I have done before as I chose what I wanted to base my assignment on. I feel that I have learnt a lot of the benefits of using ICT software and the different types of software that is available and how to be able to express myself through the use of ICT.

Saturday 5 May 2012

ICT assignment update


My scrapbook is eventually completed. It has taken me longer than expected to finish the scrapbook but I got there in the end. The main reason it has taken me this long to complete the scrapbook is simple......I did not know when to stop. As I was doing my scrapbook other ideas kept coming to me and I would then add them to the scrapbook as well. I thought I completed my scrapbook a few days ago but then I realised I have not even mentioned who were my favourite players were and why as well as my most memorable games. So I went back to my scrapbook and updated it to include all of the above.

I will now go and complete my final presenattion which is going to be a powerpoint movie of the history of Liverpool FC with music related to the club playing in the background.

I shall keep you updated!!!!